Menu for the week of October 2nd

Monday, October 2nd                                                                                                                 Breakfast: *Cereal w/ Fruit     
AM: Carrots w/ Hummus                                                                                                                         Lunch: *Taquitos, Salsa, Green Beans & Applesauce                                                             PM: *Veggie Sticks         


Tuesday, October 3rd                                                                                                                    Breakfast: *Toast, Biscuits, Bagels w/ Melon                                                                                 AM: Bananas                                                                                                                         Lunch: *Penne Pasta w/ Chicken, Mixed Vegetables & Pears                                                           PM: Cheese Sticks      


Wednesday, October 4th                                                                                                             Breakfast: *Waffles w/ Tator Tots & OJ    
AM: Celery w/ Ranch                                                                                                         Lunch: *Croissants w/ Turkey & Cheese, Cucumbers & Kiwi                                                            PM: *Nutrigrain Bars      


Thursday, October 5th                                                                                                                    Breakfast: *Cinnamon Toast w/ Fresh Pears                                                                                  AM: Chips w/ Guacamole                                                                                                           Lunch: *Fish Sticks, Fresh Carrots & Oranges                                                                                  PM: *Belvita Bars       


Friday, October 6th                                                                                                                          Breakfast: *Poptarts w/ Apples                                                                                                              AM: Strawberries                                                                                                            Lunch: *Pepperoni Quesadillas, Corn & Peaches                                                                      PM: *Cheez-It’s        



Monday, October 9th                                                                                                                 Breakfast: *Cereal w/ Fruit        
AM: Kiwi                                                                                                            Lunch: *Pizza Rolls, Cucumbers & Cuties                                                                                      PM: *Chef’s Choice           


** Meets Whole Grain Requirement


Menu for the week of October 9th


September 25, 2023 Menu