Menu for the week of May 22

Monday, May 22nd                                                                                                                             Breakfast: *Cereal w/ Fruit                 
AM: Oranges                                                                         Lunch: Little Smokies w/ Baked Beans, Green Beans & Applesauce                                                  PM: Pudding                        


Tuesday, May 23rd                                                                                                                                    Breakfast: *Nutrigrain Bars w/ Melon                                                                                    AM: Strawberries                                                                                                            Lunch: *Cold Macaroni Chicken Salad w/ Veggies, Hawaiian Rolls & Peaches                                    PM: *Teddy Grahams                      


Wednesday, May 24th                                                                                                                       Breakfast: *Biscuits w/ Gravy & OJ                   
AM: Carrots w/ Hummus                                                                                                    Lunch: *Chicken Patty on Bun, Corn & Pineapple                                                                             PM: *Fig Newtons                         


Thursday, May 25th                                                                                                                              Breakfast: *Cinnamon Rolls w/ Apples                                                                                         AM: Broccoli w/ Ranch                                                                                                           Lunch: *Homemade “Lunchables” (Turkey, Swiss, Crackers) Cucumbers & Banans                              PM: *Oreos                        


Friday, May 26th                                                                                                                               Breakfast: *”Leftovers” w/ Kiwi                          
AM: Watermelon                                                                                                           Lunch: *Hot dogs, Fresh Fruit, Chips & Celery                                                                               PM: Pudding           


Monday, May 29th                                                                                                                       Breakfast: *Cereal w/ Fruit             
AM: Blueberries                                                                                             Lunch: *Tuna Salad w/ Corn, Crackers & Pears                                                                            PM: *Chef Choice                         



Menu for the week of May 30


Menu for the week of May 15th