Menu for the week of June 26

Monday, June 26th                                                                                                                         Breakfast: *Poptarts w/ Fruit                 
AM: *Ranch Oyster Crackers                                                                                                    Lunch: *Pizza Bites, Oranges & Cucumbers                                                                                     PM: *Chef Choice                         


Tuesday, June 27th                                                                                                                                       Breakfast: *Toast w/ Jelly & Pears                                                                                              AM: Celery w/ Ranch                                                                                                         Lunch: *Spaghetti w/ Red Sauce and Beef, Sliced Carrots & Fruit Cocktail                                         PM: *Pudding                         


Wednesday, June 28th                                                                                                                           Breakfast: *French Toast w/ Apples                       
AM: Edamame                                                                                                                  Lunch: *Chicken Quesadillas, Green Beans & Peaches                                                                   PM: *Rice Crispies                            


Thursday, June 29th                                                                                                                                   Breakfast: *Waffles w/ Melon                                                                                             AM: Fresh Pears                                                                                                                    Lunch: *Tater Tot Casserole, Peas & Pineapple                                                                               PM: *Veggie Straws                             


Friday, June 30th                                                                                                                                    Breakfast: *Cocoa Cream of Wheat w/ Raisins                             
AM: Tortillas & Hummus                                                                                                         Lunch: *Fish Sticks, Carrots & Cutie Oranges                                                                                  PM: *Chips A ‘Hoy Cookies             


Monday, July 3rd                                                                                                                          Breakfast: *Cereal w/ Fruit              
AM: Blueberries                                                                                                                 Lunch: *Chicken Nuggets, Cucumbers & Oranges                                                                                   PM: *Chef Choice                         



Menu for Week of July 3, 2023


Menu for the week of June 19