Menu for the week of July 10th

Monday, July 10th                                                                                                                          Breakfast: *Cereal w/ Fruit                  
AM: Oranges                                                                                                                         Lunch: *Pizza Bites, Pasta, Quesadillas and/or taquitos, Cucumbers & Blueberries                             PM: *Pirates Booty                          


Tuesday, July 11th                                                                                                                                        Breakfast: *Biscuits w/ Sausage & OJ                                                                                        AM: Strawberries                                                                                                           Lunch: *Jerk Chicken w/ Tortillas, Corn & Pineapple                                                                                 PM: *Pretzels                          


Wednesday, July 12th                                                                                                                            Breakfast: *Poptarts w/ Bananas                        
AM: Hummus w/ Bell Peppers                                                                                                Lunch: *Mac & Cheese w/ Ground Beef, Green Beans & Fruit Cocktail                                                PM: *Nutri-grain Bars                            


Thursday, July 13th                                                                                                                                    Breakfast: *Yogurt, Granola & Blueberries                                                                                    AM: *Cheese & Crackers                                                                                                         Lunch: BBQ Hot Dogs, Pears & Peas                                                                                           PM: *Gold Fish                              


Friday, July 14th                                                                                                                                     Breakfast: *Cinnamon Rolls & Apples                              
AM: Chips & Guacamole                                                                                                          Lunch: *Chicken Fingers, Carrots/Cucumbers & Oranges                                                                    PM: *Animal Crackers              


Monday, July 17th                                                                                                                          Breakfast: *Cereal w/ Fruit              
AM: Kiwi                                                                                                                  Lunch: *Taquitos w/ Salsa, Sliced Carrots & Peaches                                                                        PM: *Chef Choice                         



Menu for the week of July 17th


Menu for Week of July 3, 2023