Menu for the Week of January 27, 2025

Monday, January 27th

Breakfast: Nutri grain bars w/ fruit

AM: Spinach dip w/ tortilla chips

Lunch: Fish sticks, carrots and blueberries

PM: Cheese and crackers

Tuesday, January 28th

Breakfast: English Muffins w/Apples

AM: Melon w/Raisins

Lunch: Beef Mac N Cheese, Mixed Veggie and Pears

PM: Oreos w/Milk

Wednesday, January 29th

Breakfast: Waffles w/Fruit

AM: Sugar Snap Peas w/Ranch

Lunch: BLT’S ( Bacon, Lettuce, Tomato) and Kiwi

PM: Cheez-Its w/Apple Juice

Thursday, January 30th

Breakfast: Toast w/Jelly and Pears

AM: Apples w/Cookie Butter

Lunch: Turkey Quesadillas, Peas and Pineapple

PM: Chef Choice

Friday, January 31st

Breakfast: Cereal w/Bananas

AM: Bell Peppers w/Hummus

Lunch: Chicken Nuggets, Sliced Carrots and Peaches

PM: Rice Cakes and Pretzels

Monday, February 3rd

Breakfast: Special K Bars w/Fruit

AM: Blueberries w/Bananas

Lunch: Fish sticks, carrots and blueberries

PM: Fig Newtons w/Milk


Menu for the Week of February 3, 2025


Menu for the Week of January 20, 2025